Advisor or Foot Soldier: The Role of an Attorney in a Divorce

Tabler Law Office

In my first year of law school, my Torts professor made a wonderful statement that still rings true. “A divorce client is never really satisfied,” he said at the end of a day talking about assault, “because the one thing they really want to happen is something that won’t. What every divorce client really wants, at the end of the day, is to not be getting a divorce.” Now, of course, there are exceptions to this. The person leaving an abusive spouse sees divorce as a relief, not a burden. The husband or wife who is leaving a long-delinquent spouse in order to finally lead a new life may view divorce as merely a rung on the ladder. Still, by and large, the words ring true even in the most amicable and agreeable divorces. Before the lawyers were involved, before the property was divided, most divorce clients simply wanted (and…

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