Archive | December 2014

The loneliness remains

my life in pajamas

I’m still praying and processing so much from our firstborn’s recent visit.  One of the loneliest things is to feel strong sadness, confusion or grief, because I tend to feel it alone.   I know that even in a healthy relationship, we can only share our individual solitude.  In essence we are alone, and while the presence of people and love comforts, it has been God that pierces and enters my solitude.  Still, I long for a partner who will also initiate conversations of shared thoughts and feelings.  Maybe most men don’t do this, but I wish for one who would also desire and need this in relationship.  After all these years, I’m more unsure than ever as to how much or how deeply my husband really feels.  I’m so sad about that.

While he is who he is, two unusual things have happened.  When we walked back to our room…

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